

wheel of Fortune, dreaming Rose

120 x 180 cm / Acrylic, canvas / 2020

Antahkarana (the inner cause)

195 x 230 cm / Acrylic, canvas / 2020

Clouds over my head moving slowly

100 x 100 cm / Acrylic, canvas / 2020

Just breathe...

100 x 100 cm / Acrylic, canvas / 2020

I believe in you

100 x 100 cm / Acrylic, canvas / 2020

And what if we could see flower dreams?

90 x 70 cm / Acrylic, canvas / 2022

But you know how the sea runs to the horizon...

90 x 70 cm / Acrylic, canvas / 2022

Stored love

180 x 120 cm / Acrylic, canvas / 2020

We can…

100 x 100 cm / Acrylic, canvas / 2020

The power yours and mine

100 x 100 cm / Acrylic, canvas / 2020

I feel you in me as you were my soul. This is the true, which i really want to embrace

180 x 120 cm / Acrylic, canvas / 2020

Golden frequences, stellar bodies, yours and mine, reunite

120 x 100 cm / Acrylic, canvas / 2020

The sea filled the space

120 x 80 cm / Acrylic, canvas / 2020

We are each others freedom

180 x 120 cm / Acrylic, canvas / 2020

you created me a crown from your divine words, I dream your freedom in the blue heavenly sky…

180 x 120 cm / Acrylic, canvas / 2020 of the wish...

90 x 70 cm / Acrylic, canvas / 2022